Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sleepy but we'll make it....

Okay, it has been some time since I have had the energy to stay up long enough to sit in front of the computer while Kynna is napping. I know word travels fast but in case you haven't heard; We are expecting again!!! We found out about 2 weeks ago. I am due Dec. 30, 2007.
So far not much for nausea but oh boy are the migraines bad! I am finding it tough trying to keep Kynna entertained all day and then going to work and working until late at night...I think this is a bad sign. I am not that far along and I feel like I am going to die of exhaustion. Oh well, just preparing me for the arrival of another I guess.
All here is good. Kynna has been different this past week. She is happy then two seconds later watch out! I guess she is just about 2 so I figured it was coming.
Scott has been keeping busy with work as well. Working days then he gets to entertain Kynna at night.
Chrissy (my older sister), Jake (her husband), and their three kids, Eliza, Daniel, and Rainey are all visiting for the week. They arrived Friday night. So far Kynna has been able to spend some time with her cousins but not too much.
We did family photos for the first time ever with EVERYONE here. Amazing! I cannot wait to see how they turn out. I am sure I will post some when they come in.
Well, I should get some stuff done while I have the energy and the munchkin is sleeping.

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